2024年度(通年、Sセメスター、S1・S2ターム)履修登録手続き及び「履修科目控」の提出について/AY 2024 about course registratio and registration procedures
→終了 ※今学期新たに履修する科目がない場合、「履修科目控」の提出は必要ありません。
1. UTASで履修登録をして、「履修科目控」をpdfで出力する。
2. 履修科目控pdfを指導教員に確認してもらった後、署名または捺印(電子印可)をもらう。
3. 下記いずれかの方法で専攻事務室に「署名または捺印後の履修科目控」を提出する。
After consulting with your academic advisor, decide on your course plan and submit a copy of your course registration that has been confirmed by your academic advisor.
*Course Registration Period:April 5 (Fri.)~April 19 (Fri.)
■If there are no new courses to take this semester■
1.Just click on the【No courses registered】button if you have no courses to take for that semester.
There’s no need to submit the【courses registered】.
■If you have new subjects to take this semester■
① Register courses you would like to take online through UTAS.
② After completing registration, click on【Create PDF】to print a copy of【courses registered】.
Submit the copy to your academic advisor and get an approval from her/him.( signature or electronic seal )
③Submit the “signed or stamped course registration copy” to the department office using one of the methods below.
a) Submit to the department office (Faculty of Science Building 1, Room 811) (submission via on-campus mail or mail is also acceptable).
b) Upload to the URL below. (File name: Student ID number_name)
[Master’s ]
[doctoral ]
Deadline for submission:April 19 (Fri.)