2022年度(Aセメスター、A1・A2ターム)履修登録手続き及び「履修科目控」の提出について/2022 A Semester / A1A2 Term Courses Registration to UTAS
English follows Japanese
1. UTASで履修登録をして、「履修科目控」をpdfで出力する。
2. 履修科目控pdfを指導教員に確認してもらった後、署名または捺印をもらう。
3. 下記いずれかの方法で専攻事務室に「署名または捺印後の履修科目控」を提出する。
For Master’s / Doctoral program students
Course registration is conducted online through the UTAS.
Students must complete the registration procedures during the registration period.
For details, please refer to the “UTAS User Manual for students.”
■Course Registration Period
October 3(Mon.) -October 14 (Fri.)
■Registration Procedures
1.Register courses you would like to take online through UTAS.
2.After completing registration, click on【Create PDF】to print a copy of【courses registered】 .
3.Submit the 【courses registered】with your supervisor’s approval(with signature/seal) by either of the following methods.
・Submit it to the EPS Office (Room 811, Bldg. 1, Faculty of Science) (on-campus mail, postal mail, etc. are acceptable).
・Upload the file to the following URL. (File name: Student ID number_name)
*Any course registration or modifications must be completed within the “Course Registration Period”.
■Just click on the【No courses registered】button if you have no courses to take for that semester.
There’s no need to submit the【courses registered】.