Overseas Travel Procedure

Students need to go through following procedure upon traveling abroad. Make an application for different purposes as follows.


Overseas Travel (Undergraduates)

Notification Forms(Undergraduates):Please download the latest forms from HP of School Of Science.

Before Departure


For fieldwork and academic conference purpose, Students traveling abraod must submit “Notice of Overseas Travel for Academic Research (Undergraduate Students)” at least one week before departure.
Please fill out the form, obtain the seal (electronic seal is acceptable) of the faculty member in charge, and submit it to the Department Office (Academic Affairs) (PDF recommended).

Department Office (Academic Affairs):gakumu-eps.s[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

*(From June 26, 2023.6.26) “Field Survey Notification” is no longer required, but the “Health and Safety Management Plan” submitted by faculty members must be submitted.
Refer to “Fieldwork Security and Procedure” for details.


For private purpose such as tourism, submit the following documents to Office of the Department of Earth and Planetary Science.
Japanese student:”Notice of Overseas Travel”
International student:”Application for Temporary Leave and Overseas Travel for personal reasons”

After Return

Submit “Notice of Return (Undergraduate Student)” to Office of the Department of Earth and Planetary Science immediately after returning to Japan.

Overseas Travel (Graduates)

Notification Forms(Graduates):Please download the latest forms from HP of School Of Science.

Before Departure


For fieldwork and academic conference purpose, Students traveling abraod must submit “Notice of Overseas Travel for Academic Research (Graduates)” at least one week before departure. If the period of overseas travel is 2 or more months, students must also submit an “Opinion Brief by Academic Advisor” in the format prescribed on the back of this form to receive prior approval at the Graduate School of Science faculty meeting. Therefore, please submit the documents at least two months before departure.
Please fill out the form, obtain the seal (electronic seal is acceptable) of the faculty member in charge, and submit it to the Department Office (Academic Affairs) (PDF recommended).

Department Office (Academic Affairs):gakumu-eps.s[at]gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

*(From June 26, 2023.6.26) “Field Survey Notification” is no longer required, but the “Health and Safety Management Plan” submitted by faculty members must be submitted.
Refer to “Fieldwork Security and Procedure” for details.


For private purpose such as tourism, submit the following documents to Office of the Department of Earth and Planetary Science.
Japanese student:”Notice of Overseas Travel”
International student:”Application for Temporary Leave and Overseas Travel for personal reasons”

After Return

Submit “Notice of Return (Graduate Student)” to Office of the Department of Earth and Planetary Science immediately after returning to Japan.


Purchase appropriate insurance before departure to cover for unexpected incident. There are obligatory insurance for research purpose. See “Insurance” for details.